Why I Want to Give Go a Try

The Go programming language, also known as Golang, is a programming language developed by Google engineers in 2007 as a C alternative. Go is aimed to facilitate certain aspect of programming that big companies like google suffer from. Golang Main Characteristics Why Did Google Create Go When hearing about a new programming language, one cannot … Read more

Find Info About a Phone Number Using OSINT Tools

How can you find information about a phone number using free and open-source OSINT tools? When people publicly share their phone numbers online they might not be fully aware of the tools that scavenge information from social networks for different purposes. This article will cover an OSINT tool called phoneinfoga. Phoneinfoga is an advanced tool … Read more

How to Become Anonymous Online With a Few Simple Steps

This guide will cover the topic of proxy chains on a Linux machine. If you are not using Linux well it’s your loss. First, let me explain what are proxy chains. When you request a page online you are connecting to a server directly, thus exposing your identity. One way of hiding your identity online … Read more

Most Useful Nmap Commands

nmap (Network Mapper) is a powerful command-line tool that is used for network exploration, management, and security auditing. Here are a few examples of some of the best nmap commands: These are just a few examples of the many powerful nmap commands that are available. Keep in mind that some nmap options might be illegal … Read more

Interesting new Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra features

As you know at the beginning of 2022 Samsung released the newest phones in the Galaxy S series , the Samsung Galaxy S22s. Among those phones the Galaxy S22 Ultra stands out for being the best model.Now you may be wondering what sets the S22 Ultra apart from the older models, the answer to that … Read more

Split Screen In Samsung S22 Ultra: Multitask Like a Pro!

One of the best things about owning a Samsung S22 Ultra phone is the beautiful large 6.8″ screen. What is Split Screen? Split screen, as the name suggests, allows you to divide your smartphone’s display into two separate windows, enabling you to run two apps side by side. This feature is particularly useful when you … Read more

My Top Picks for Travel Apps in 2022

While traveling to new countries, certain barriers can prevent you from fully experiencing the country you are visiting. Apps can be very handy when it comes to doing fast research on a new place. If you are wondering what are the best apps for travel in 2022, here are 8 useful apps I use that … Read more

Best resources for learning Linux Kernel Development

Linux Kernel development is a very wanted skill in the software market. Becoming a Linux Kernel developer is hard and requires a lot of time and dedication. One thing that makes this skill hard to learn is the huge body of knowledge that one needs to be familiar with and it is not always clear … Read more