Most Useful Nmap Commands

nmap (Network Mapper) is a powerful command-line tool that is used for network exploration, management, and security auditing. Here are a few examples of some of the best nmap commands:

  1. Simple host discovery: nmap – This will ping the host at IP address and determine if it is online.
  2. Full port scan: nmap -p- – This will scan all 65535 ports on the host at IP address to determine which ports are open.
  3. OS detection: nmap -O – This will attempt to determine the operating system of the host at IP address
  4. Service and version detection: nmap -sV – This will attempt to determine the version numbers of the services running on the host at IP address
  5. Script scanning: nmap --script=http-enum – This will run the “http-enum” script on the host at IP address The http-enum script is designed to enumerate web servers and directories.
  6. Fast scan : nmap -F – This will perform a fast scan, useful when you want to quickly scan a large range of IPs
  7. IP Version scanning: nmap -6 -sT [IPv6-address] – This will scan the host or network using IPv6 address, only works if your host/target has IPv6 connectivity
  8. Stealth scan : nmap -sS – This will perform a stealth scan that makes the target harder to detect, this is done by sending a TCP SYN packet instead of a regular full-connect packet
  9. NSE script with specifc category : nmap --script "category/auth" – This will run all scripts in the “auth” category against the target host.
  10. List all open ports : nmap --open – This will list all open ports on the target host, very useful when you want a quick and simple output

These are just a few examples of the many powerful nmap commands that are available. Keep in mind that some nmap options might be illegal or unethical in some jurisdictions, so you should use it responsibly. Always check for specific terms of use for the tools and make sure to have the proper authorization before running scans on a network.

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