Why Do You Need fail2ban on Your Linux Server?

Most server administrators use the Secure Shell Protocol (SSH) to connect to servers. While SSH is very robust and secure for data transfer, it does not protect your server against brute-force attacks by default. An attacker can attempt to access your server for an unlimited number of times. These attacks could lead to server slow … Read more

Code Syntax Block Plugin for WordPress

Code Syntax Block is a plugin for the Gutenberg block editor, which is the default WordPress editor. Code Syntax Block adds syntax highlighting to a wide range of programming languages, markup languages and even certain config files. Installing Code Syntax Block plugin Using WordPress dashboard The simplest way to install Code Syntax Block plugin is … Read more

Linux Users and Groups

Understanding users and groups is essential for becoming an effective Linux user. How to assign a user to a group Assigning a user to an existing group. first you can see which groups the user is part of For example the root user is part of the root group To add a user to an … Read more