How to Check That a Git Branch Has a Remote Counterpart

To check if a local branch has a remote counterpart, you can use the git branch -r command, which lists the remote branches.

For example, if you want to check if your local branch my-branch has a remote counterpart, you can run:

git branch -r | grep my-branch

If the branch has a remote counterpart, it will be listed in the output.

Alternatively, you can use the git show-branch command to check if a branch has a remote counterpart. For example:

git show-branch --list my-branch

This command will show you all of the branches that contain the commit at the tip of my-branch, both local and remote. If my-branch has a remote counterpart, it will be listed in the output.

Finally, you can also use the git ls-remote command to check if a branch exists on the remote. For example:

git ls-remote --heads origin my-branch

This command will show you all of the branches on the origin remote that have the name my-branch. If the branch exists on the remote, it will be listed in the output.

The following is a list of commands that lists the remote branches

git branch -av
git remote show origin
git branch -r 

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